Dear Mr. Hollywood Fancy Pants
Since there is a Writers Guild strike going on and ALL, If you ever run out of material and need something to shoot, I have got just the script you need. It is a marvelous little yarn entitled "Please Try Again" Here is a sampling:
An army of empty Soda Cola bottles march to and fro on a series of tracks and belts. The movement is very mechanical and precise. We see Soda Cola at different stages of production, soda being poured into the bottles, the bottles being capped, etc. The words “Please Try Again” are written under one of the caps seen from below as the cap gets lowered towards the camera. The cap twists on to the bottle as everything goes black.
That is just a little droplet to wet your pallet. If you are hungry for more, you know where to find me.
The ALLmighty Benjamin
This movie needs to be made. If at all possible, I'd like to play the part of the supportive friend.
Aw hell, I'll take the lead. Someone else will just ruin it.
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I have no Idea what you are saying
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