Monday, March 17, 2008

The SandBox

I'm adding a Screening room for ALL of my short films in the sidebar. I will add a new one every couple weeks until I run out and need to shoot something else. Most of them will ALL ready be up on Youtube, but now you will be able to view them in much better quality and, as an added bonus, you never have to leave the SandBox.

This film entitled "The SandBox" is the film that started it ALL. This was the first thing I shot in college before I was a film major (I changed my major a lot) This is a reedit of the original which was a silent film. It's a lovely little tale about a little guy and his sandbox.

Here's a bit of trivia for you:

I didn't have the master tape when doing the reedit, so I had to copy it "bootleg style" by pointing my camera at a television screen. If you look closely you can see the reflection of the view out of my parents living room window.

This film also inspired the name of my production company "SandBox Films" later changed to "Killer SandBox Productions" after I found out that there were already 50 billion other companies called "Sandbox Films" in existence.

Finally, here's one last interesting tidbit for you, The "Killer SandBox" was voiced by yours truly, however the "Little Guy" was voiced by R2-D2.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good post, added you to my RSS reader.
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