Monday, March 10, 2008

Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me

I was listening to the iTunes today, when the song "Pennywise" came on. I thought to myself, I haven't done a post about scary clowns yet, so here it is. Post 89 is entitled "Can't Sleep, Clowns Will Eat Me." Not many people know this, but there are only three things that I am afraid of: porcelain dolls, Celine Dion, and clowns. I've had this fear of clowns long before I saw the aforementioned Pennywise in that Stephen King movie that had that retarded ending. Oh wait, that's every Stephen King movie (book for those who read).

One day back in the summer of 1983, my mother brought me along with her to a hardware store in Winneconne, WI. I can't remember what this hardware store was called, but it was located in between Bob's Park and Save and Wentzel Ford. Anyway, they had some sort of promotion going on at the time, so there was a clown there doing clown stuff like making baloon animals and eating small children. When I saw the clown I shrieked like a girl and tightly closed my eyes. You see, three-year-old logic states that when you close your eyes, the things around you no longer exist. In essence, I made the clown disapear. When we went through the check out the cashier thought that it was strange that I was sleeping while seated perfectly straight up in the cart. If only she knew. I refused to open my eyes the whole day. My mom tried bribing me with candy and toys but I would have none of it. I knew the second I opened my eyes, that clown would be there with that red nose, sinister smile, and floppy shoes ready to devour me whole.
That's how terrified I am of clowns. The fear has subsided a little now that I am older, but they still freak me the hell out. In fact, just looking at the above picture of Pennywise is freaking me out. Stop staring at me Pennywise! He's freaky, and what about that clown giving that kid a sucker? That image alone is enough to give me nightmares for months.

I did a little research about this irrational clown phobia that I suffer from on the internets. This is what they had to say:

One possible theory regarding the prevalence of clown phobia is as follows:

Because clowns have permanent exaggerated expressions painted on their faces – usually of joy, but sometimes of sadness, it renders the observer impotent in measuring facial expression as a precursor of action.

Therefore, for those who are mindful of their environment, possibly due to past traumatic events, they are unable to interpret and accordingly predict what this strange creature may do to them.

This fear or clown phobia is heightened when we observe the “happy clown” performing some aggressive behavior, tripping someone or spraying water from an innocuous looking flower in the lapel.

It becomes too much to cope with and causes tremendous confusion and fear.

I turns out I'm not alone, and many people suffer from this fear. It's good to know that I'm not crazy. What are your fears? Sound off in the comments section.

There is still time to vote for my pitch. Just click here and favorite my video. ALL votes must be in by April First. It's a popularity contest, so I need ALL the help I can get.

Thanks for stopping by and don't be a stranger.


Benjamin said...

Just had to share this with you! Last week my daughters friend was babysitting for her baby brother and couldn't get the baby to sleep. She rang her mom, who said take all the stuffed toys out of the room. The daughter said she had done, except for the big clown in the corner of the room - to which her mother replied, we haven't got a big clown! Take the baby and get out of the house, and go next door.

It turns out that the clown was a man, who had dressed himself up as a clown and parked himself in the corner of the baby's room, pretending to be a toy! Mom rang the police and the clown was arrested.

Benjamin said...

I don't have a daughter. I found that story when I was looking for pictures of Scary Clowns on the internets.

It's one of those things called an "urban legend"

If that ever happened to me, I think I would have to be institutionalized for the rest of my life.

Benjamin said...

This also Frightens me:

JT said...

Okay, that gnome thing is pretty damn freaky.

My biggest fear is needles. I can't even see a needle just sitting in plain sight. It's odd, this one developed around age 20. I worked in a vet's office in high school, preparing vaccines and handling needles constantly.

I'm also terrified of Mick Jagger, for many of the same reasons that people fear clowns.

Benjamin said...

I thought I was afraid of needles until I was about 22, at which point I was in desperate need of money and started giving plasma twice a week.

Turns out I wasn't as afraid as I thought.

I have to agree with you on that Mick Jagger. He is one freaky looking dude.

DifferentDamage said...

Funny you should bring up clowns today, because there was a big picture of one on front of the Journal Sentinel today: image

full story

DifferentDamage said...

Oh, and I guess by "today" I meant the day that I read it, since it seems that you posted this on Monday and it is now Thursday.

PS Check your email and get back to me.

Benjamin said...


That is truly frightening. I bring up clowns everyday.

Did you check out the gnome video?

JT said...

The nome video is really, really creepy. Also, I linked to your pitch post on Spork Nation today.

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