Thursday, April 10, 2008

'Course it's 10 minutes to Wapner

They love me, They really love me. Today at work I was fortunate enough to hold Barry Morrow's Best screenplay Oscar for the screenplay "Rain Man" which he later gave to Kim Peek. That could have been the closest I will ever come to an Oscar, and I didn't even have a speech prepared. It was only in my possession for roughly 7 seconds, but it was still pretty damn sweet. I would have held it longer had I not been working on a live newscast at the time. News waits for no man! Perhaps one of my very own may grace my mantle someday.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Kim Peek, he was the person who Dustin Hoffman modeled the character Raymond after in the 1989 movie "Rain Man". The guy is amazing. I read on the internets that he has read more than 9000 books and can recall virtually every fact from them. He says he simultaneously reads one page with his left eye and the other page with his right eye. Kim and his father were in Madison today for the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation's Annual Fundraiser, and they stopped by the studio this morning. If you want to watch the interview, you can find it here

We are slowly chipping away to 100 posts, so stay tuned for that.


Benjamin said...

I still can't believe I held a real Oscar and got to meet Kim Peek.

It has been an odd day I'll tell you what.

DifferentDamage said...

Your TV job in Madison seems WAY more interesting than the one you had in Green Bay. Glad to hear you're enjoying it.

Check your e-mail, I sent you one yesterday.

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